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Mrs. Piper Brown, Librarian

It is the goal of the Lizana Elementary School Library Media Center to:

  1. Improve reading skills and comprehension
  2. Develop an appreciation for books
  3. Help students become lifelong readers

    The library will support the curriculum by collaborating with teachers, developing a collection that is representative of the community, and implementing literacy instruction for students.

    Students at Lizana Elementary participate in the Accelerated Reader Program.  Each nine weeks, students must reach the AR goal set for them by reaching 85% accuracy and meeting the number of assigned points.  The librarian, with support from the AR committee promotes participation in the Accelerated Reader Program.

Library Websites: 

Our local public library provides free internet and book checkout.  For more information on obtaining a library card please visit the Harrison County Library website at:

World Book Online:  An All Encompassing World of Resources:

World Book Online includes an online dictionary , almanac, atlas, lesson plans, etc.  This resource also has links to related websites, information on special topics, current events, games, and more! can be viewed on a school computer without a password and at home with a login and password.  See Ms. Piper for the login and password information.